"For both excessive and insufficient exercise destroy one's strength, and both eating and drinking too much or too little destroy health, whereas the right quantity produces, increases or preserves it. So it is the same with temperance, courage and the other virtues...
This much then, is clear: in all our conduct it is the mean that is to be commended."
- Aristotle, 4th century B.C. Greek philosopher from The Nicomachean Ethics
It was Saturday. And it promised to be one of my busiest day I have been through.
The day started with banner painting for our H & T school with Shalini, Dolly and Steph. We began working on the cloth around 8 o'clock. Measuring, plotting and marking on the white piece of cloth. We were touching up the letters when Estella called.
I had to pick something up in Section 17, so I conveniently asked her to drive me there. After which, we had lunch in SS 2 and went to Mid Valley to purchase the things that I needed for tomorrow's outing.
On my way back from Bangsar, I was in a sort of a traffic jam. Getting to SS3 by bus seems very long, I thought. So, I got off at Asia Jaya bus stop. To my amazement, the seer amount of cars reminded me of the Sentinels from the Matrix.
One car with only one driver. What happened to car-pooling? It's really pathetic, I thought. Will we ever see a greener Malaysian attitude towards the environment? I think not.
So, that's that. I reached home just to go out again to Mid Valley to get tickets for a late night show with Raleighers. Never go watch movies with them unless it's comedy. They just can't stop giggling about everything and anything.
People died. 'giggle'
Lovers kissed. 'Uhhh'...'giggle more'
One of lovers died. 'Yeah'-guys... 'Ohhh..no- gals'... 'giggle
even more'
Oh, yeah... there were some live 'scenes' too... if you know what I mean.
Morning came around 4 after our
teh tarik drinking session in Brickfields. Had a sweel time with them but have to go home to make more jellies... So, I only had a couple hours of shut eye prior to 2 home visits in Puchong and Taman Melawati.
What a day! I mean '2-days'...