June 11, 2004


I was reading an article in the National Geographic magazine about the Great Plains of America. And as usual, it provoked some images and ideas of staying out there in a ranch, farming corn and rearing cattles... living out the American dream.

That's actually funny, because I am a Chinese who has lived all his life in Malaysia. So, why do I want to go there? Like I said, "Living out the American dream."

But, I know I can't. It's too far fetched... one of those out-of-the-world kinda ideas that my parents won't buy, that my friends won't see it possible.

However, reading about the placa makes feel I was there. The power of the words in the story is just amazing. I think there is better word that just 'amazing'. Will find it in due time.

Anyway, it took me there a while and grounded me back in Malaysia. It's a beautifl country, Malaysia is. I just have to look harder and appreciate her more then...

Until then, will keep searching for the elusive American dream...


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