May 05, 2004


Last weekend we went to Kuala Kubu Baru for our first Introduction Weekend for this year. This time there were only 6 participants; all from project AVYIL. There has been a change of focus for this particular I.W. as we are more into 'gel'-ing the volunteers for the up-coming project in Perak.

Sadly, I can't make it for the project...

Anyhow, the weekend has proved to be productive with the volunteers doing a lot of team building games and thinking together to solve problems and also a long track up Bukit Kutu, Flea's Hill.

We bathed in Sungai Chiling and made a slide out of a small rapid waterfall... later that night we went to a hot spring and had some good time 'steaming' our problems away.

Overall, it has been a relaxing camp out with less 'crazy' activities by the XVs... I quite enjoyed their soberity.