April 22, 2004


Last weekend, the Saturday I catered for a talk organised by RIKL XV (eX-Venturer) - Juna. I would like to thank her personally for the opportunity to do my fundraising.

Noone got food poisoning... not that I know of yet.

Anyway, they commented that the food was good... and as usual, being me; it can be better.

The talk was on personalities and their traits. According Isabel Myers, there are 16 types of personality pattern and each one has a 4-letter type code. We, as individual has all these 16 personality patterns in us.

Just like using our left hand or right... we prefer to use one personality more dominantly that the 15 rest. So, after answering a questionairre I found my type.

Type code : INFP - Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeler and Perseiver
Temperament: Idealist
How I Interact: Behind-the-Scenes
Cognitive Processes: Fi - Ne - Si - Te --- Fe - Ni - Se - Ti

I see myself as a HARMONIZER but most people don't see that. They see me as a CLARIFIER which I don't see myself as. So, who am I?

Basically, I am someone who goes with the flow, knowing when to say what and like exploring moral questions. A philosopher. An excellent listener, which I think it's quite true, at times.

Very reflective and relate through stories and metaphors but poor in structured living which I think it's quite true...

It's interesting to know how you are and how people take you as. I am being reflective again... But, in order to know more about yourself, Daniel (the talk guy) said that everyone should explore the other 15 personality pattern.

Well, I say why not?

So, care to find out about yourself?