April 15, 2005


I felt good today and I want to remember some of the Things from my past that had always gave me that same 'hmmm' feel...

I remember waking up real early to prepare for school and then spend the next half hour waiting for my school bus. During those chill mornings, I would just stare into the space and watched the stars until blue morning hues soften everything that it touches.

I remember watching grey storm clouds gathering from the sunny side in Cameron Highlands over the tea plantation.

I remember having the Wind in my hair and sea-spray on my face while on a boat ride in Kuala Gula.

I remember the first time I saw The Sea in Port Dickson.

I remember arriving early to work and having breakfast in the quiet kitchen before the hustle and bustle and closing it after everyone had gone home.

I remember the clean laundry hung outside to dry, tossed by the Wind and baked by the Sun.

But the best is, I remember snuggling when it's pouring outside under my warm sheets and pillows.

I am actually very happy today. Everything's over.

When I cooked dinner yesterday, my preserved cabbage that I had was already spoilt. But the scent that it left behind in the bottle was of something else. It reminded me of Australia.

Then when I came in for work today, the chilly air gave me that same feeling. I guess you can always be in any place anywhere as long as you remember how it felt like to be there in the first place.

I feel good today. And I am glad...