October 13, 2005


My friend posted an entry about sex in her blog and suffered from a 'non-commentable' period. Only her sister gave her thought on that matter. Well, the matter of sex (not the gender) in Malaysia is a hush-hush topic.

Although we may be well into the 21st century, with mega projects cropping here and there; sex is still sex. Non-commentable.

I believe that by having a large pious or religious community, sex and its issues tend not to be highlighted. I learnt about sex through my Form 3 science text book, and I used to think that chromosome made up the seminal fluids. I know!

The faction of organized religions and their sets of pantang-larang, which were most likely to have been incorporated from even older religious systems may have caused the 'hush-ness' of sex.

Even so, I do not subscribe to the overtly Western openness towards the matter at hand. Usually potrayed by a group of people talking about their weekend success (or unsuccessful) stories in films; I do sincerely pray and hope that the scenarios only happen on the silver screen.

When has sex became such low-key? The fact that it made life life, suddenly it was no more than an unspoken word. It used to be celebrated by people around the world as something sacred, well albeit a very, very normal and natural part of our humanity. A life-giving force and has been revered by generations.

The answer: Civilization.

It was when we became civilized. It was when certain civilized people decided that other 'people' should be too. It started with some dirt and the snowball just gotten bigger over the centuries and... BOOM! Sex = No comments. Period. Ka-pish?

So, here we are stuck in this snowball, and God forbid we should ever say the S-word. I mean, I was brought up that way. Culturally induced into thinking that it is a taboo. Something naughty. So, you've got to 'unlearn' it.

However, I feel that we should always be sensitive to friends or strangers who may still think that 'you-should-not-speak-of-such-things-lest-the-Devil-ensnares-you' and also to retain the good parts of this modern taboo...

...like never ever having to talk about it with your parents. Why?

Because it would have been weird...

More depressing stories ahead. Read at your own risk!


Blogger Just. Hangsing said...

Let's talk about Sex! haha...i read a read on this.

11:41 PM  

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