...and as we begin our next adventure and leave our alma mater behind, I can't help to think about the 2, crazy years, spent running around in and out of the kitchens and back lanes of the restaurants.
A twist of fate brought some 30 odd strangers together. We are leaving today, to our next destination, be it Germany or the Far East as a family. That's a fact.
Who will not forget the explosion that had firmly etched Shalini in our minds as the 'Golden Brown' babe. And the ever-antagonistic comments from Stefanie when she speaks her mind about everything. And I mean everything...
To me, Semester 2 will always be fondly remembered as 'Operation Chicken Cubes' with a fantastic Brazillian 'all-pork-menu' by the dumbest dude tha had ever lived!
How about the time when we learnt the Great Lesson to never ever lie to Mr. O? Or those wee hours, pondering what are we doing here at 6:30 a.m. in the college, preparing breakfast for an unappreciative lot of students?
Piping hundreds of filligrees just to see them crumble in our brawny chefs' hands, but somehow manage to stick the remnants on the 3-tier wedding cake... Distant memories seem so close today.
But, recapturing the moments of the beautiful past seems to fleet far away, shadowed by the dreams of our future.
No doubt, I will begin to miss everyone from my course and those whom I have planted seeds of friendship. I hope we do keep in touch.
So, help me recall when we do meet up again... about the times we spent waiting for the breads to rise.
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